Clearwater may give $750,000 in taxpayer funds to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium so it can buy the land next door, between the aquarium and Island Way Grill, to build a bigger parking lot. If the aquarium gets the funds, they will also receive a $750,000 matching grant from Sand Key philanthropist Richard "Dick" Jacobson. CMA needs the $1.5 million to secure financing for the $3.1 million parcel. There will be a vote Thursday at 6 p.m. at City Hall to decide if the private, non-profit facility will receive the funds..
In case you haven't heard, a major Hollywood movie, "Dolphin Tale" starring Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd, Harry Connick Jr. — and local celebrity Winter the dolphin is filming at the aquarium, which is closed temporarily for the shoot. The aquarium expects attendance to double or triple next fall when the movie is released. It's not just the film that has sparked the need for more parking, the aquarium has been expanding and attendance has been up sharply the past 4 years.